Guadalajara, Mexico 09/03/2007 MicroTec Software We are proud to anounce the first oficial release of the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planing System) Academic Base. The brand new ERP is created for the School Administration en special for all kind of Schools. This special Software include all nececary things for the Administration from Students to Business, include Coordination, Human Resources, Financials (include Tax Reports) Archives, Bibliotecs, Billings and Buyings, Financial Statements and a lot other Resources for all kind of Administration parts. MicroTec Software is one of the only ones specialised in School Administration around the world. Our ERP include also the standards of API for conecting your online School and one API for online conections can be used from Students and Teachers with her own Menu. Parents will have access for a fast look how are her Childrens in the School, Students can look what are the skins for the next Class, Evolutions, payments and a lot more. Academic Base is the cheapest and the most powerfull ERP in the market at the moment. We sell our ERP in the Basic include 5 Licences) for 15,000 Pesos Mexicanos, around 1,500 USD include all. For special kinds of Administration we have a lot of Modules that are not direct include in the whole package. MicroTec Software offers for the Clients also the re-design in parts of automatization, Control flow and SQL for all of our Clients. We have 30 days trial Versions for all interesting Schools. This Trial Versions we will send as CD direct to the Office include instructions. In this period the interesting Schools can tell us what their will be changed specialised in our ERP. Lists of include Modules, Prices and what we offer more include in our ERPs all interesting People can find the relevant informations in our website, include Fotogalery around the ERP and the most importand parts of the Administration. MicroTec Software, James Lass