World of Warcraft Gold Farming Tips And Secrets - You Cant Miss
Gold farming in World of Warcraft has taken on a life of its own. It started with chinese gold farmers who were working as teams to completely mine all the gold in an area. When they mined an enormous amount they then put it into a gold selling market. They were able to get $100's after doing basically no work for any of the gold. The techniques they used were found to be illegal and actually hurt the game. People however did research and found legit and easy ways to get up to 200 gold and hour. These guides have been released on the internet by players who have become masters of World of Warcraft and would like to share the tips that made them that good. The guides that are available will show you what areas have more gold then others. This research on top gold farming locations will enable you to make more gold in a less amount of time. So you have finally decided you need gold in order to enjoy World of Warcraft and have settled on farming to accomplish this task. Well let's look at a few tips regarding farming for gold in World of Warcraft. Tip number 1: The first key to farming anything in World of Warcraft is the bags. The gold is in the bags. Early on when you start playing your bags will be small, what this means is your will have limited slots or space in the bags. This is due in part to the fact that you have no money, especially if this is your first toon. If you have a higher level toon, then they can send your new one money to buy bigger bags, or send bags themselves. The thing about bags is the more room you have the more you can hold. This is probably the single most important rule when performing World of Warcraft farming. Think about it, if you are going through an instance or on a raid and you have no room, guess who isn't getting any loot? Tip number 2: Bring plenty of bandages/water/food/mana potions with you. When farming, you are going to be in a lot of fights. This will deplete your health and mana (if you can cast spells). You will need to rest up between those fights if you get down on health and mana. It is important to be prepared. How much is enough? That depends on your character, but generally a stack of each is a good rule of thumb. If you can heal, you won't need first aid and bandages, but in a pinch they can help. Mages can create food and water so be sure to make plenty before leaving. The benefits of farming gold quickly is that you are able to level up quicker then many other players in the game. When you are able to level up this quickly and have this much gold you can buy more items and spells for your characters. Since having a strong character is necessary to survive in World of Warcraft why wouldn't you want to get powerful as quickly as possible. The overall benefit of gold farming in World of Warcraft is being able to make as much gold as possible and sell any extra for a profit!