The system looks amazing. Though the need to fix a few minor bugs resulted in the PlayStation 3�s release date being pushed back, this has not diminished the excitement over the console�s impending release. Even though the Sony PS3 is designed to be more than a video game system, but to be an entirely new leap in multi-media in general, that does not change the fact that everything starts with the gaming system, and the gamers need to be satisfied if Sony is going to keep its strong showing in the video game market place. So it is no surprise that the rumor mills are full of speculations, thought, fact, and hope on what series of games the new PS3 system is going to bring with it. It is all but certain that the release of the PS3 will coincide with the release of the latest Grand Theft Auto game. This extremely controversial video game series may get protests and angry letters, but nevertheless it will also sell over a million copies because it has grown to include a huge following. Anytime a video game can create its own franchise, you can bet that a company is going to ride that as far as it will go. It�s simply supply and demand: as long as the demand exists a company will always rather invest in a game with a following than go out on a limb with a new title. Along the same lines, rumor has it that the PS3 will also be releasing several other games that belong to their own series. Metal Gear Solid 4: Sons of the Patriots will be the newest, and final, game in the Metal Gear Solid series. Plans are also set up for the release of Resident Evil 5, Unreal Tournament 2007, and Devil May Cry 4. By releasing a series of games like this, Sony is guaranteeing that fans of some very different types of video game sagas will all still have a reason to purchase this system. One of the most popular rumors, though this one has yet to show any proof, is that Sony is looking to re-make Final Fantasy 7, one of the most popular installments of maybe the most popular video game series in history, and write the programming to work on a PS3 with all new and more advanced graphics. If this rumor pans out, it would be a dream come true for many an RPG fan.