Spend a little time, you will found a solution that will save you lots of time, instead of wasted on screening those spam mails. I had found my best spam protection solution, and it’s a free solution. I am talking about boxtrapper email spam protection.
My web hosting plan with bluehost hosting, are come with boxtrapper email protection. And I can activate it for free. It uses a very effective method to block spam from reaching you. You can add people you know into your ‘white list’, and block spammer emails, or email with certain keyword that you want to blog, eg. Pill, jackpot, drugs, etc.
Simple and effective. That’s what I looking for. If the email sender that is not in your white list sent an email to you, he is require to reply to the verification email. And only once he is verified, the email will reach you. Email bots are not capable to fool this system.
Once I was having an email account that received a spam mail every 5 minutes, and its keep coming in like crazy. It’s frustrated, and you can’t do anything if your email account that not have the boxtrapper feature. Think again, you will need email spam protection for your email. And definitely, not all web hosting are offering this. http://www.bluehostreview.org/bluehost/bluehost-email/ will have more information about email account with bluehost and also boxtrapper features.
A good web hosting must have good email system, and a good email system must have an effective spam protection. That’s what I think.